Inner  Frontier
Fourth Way Spiritual Practice



Inner Work

For the week of: June 30, 2003

Push and Pull

We must be active in our inner work: exploring, setting inner goals, staying here in this moment as deeply and frequently as we can manage, making every effort to push our way along the path. This active side of the path is the side that we can do, the side that is up to us and within our purview.

Moments come, though, when we find ourselves pulled along the way, attracted by the Unfathomable, Loving Source of the world. Though we may not see that Source, our push eventually brings us to be open and receptive to Its pull. The Source acts on us, heart and soul, palpably but invisibly, behind the scenes. Certain, often small, events remind us, awakening our hearts to long for reconnection with and service to our Source.

Our primary job is to make the efforts, to push. And in moments of opportunity, to stand ready to open to the pull of the Sacred. But the subtleties of inner work go beyond the polarity of push and pull, active and receptive, toward effortless balance and harmony. At times our practice is actively receptive, as in listening or in certain forms of prayer. At other times we are receptively active as in creative work or in presence. So we learn to navigate the various modes of will in how we approach our inner life.

For this week, push your way along the path and notice how the Source draws you effortlessly on.


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